Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) is an actor who played the famous and iconic superhero "Birdman" over 20 years ago. Now, in his middle-age,
he is directing his debut on Broadway, a drama called "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love", an adaptation from a Raymond Carver story. With the help of his
assistant and daughter Sam (Emma Stone), and his producer Jake (Zach Galifianakis), he will play out the show previews, even when a talented actor he hired on, Mike
Shiner (Edward Norton) act arbitrarily, the internal issues between him and the other casts, his useless maximum efforts to critics, and the unexpected voices of his
old character- the Birdman, pushing his sanity until the first debut show.

otsoNY Comments: This film is edited to look like one continuous shot. There are only sixteen visible cuts in the entire film.

West 44th Street (btw 7th and 8th Avenues) Manhattan. |

The Rum House, 228 West 47th Street (btw Broadway and 8th Avenue) Manhattan. |

otsoNY Comments: Emma Stone filmed the movie during a break from filming The Amazing Spider-Man 2, also shot in New York.

St. James Rooftop, 246 West 44th Street (btw 7th and 8th Avenues) Manhattan. |

Times Square (Broadway, 7th Avenue, West 42nd and 47th Streets) Manhattan. |

324 West 43rd Street (btw 8th and 9th Avenues) Manhattan. |

43rd Street (btw 8th and 9th Avenues) Manhattan. |

St. James Theatre, 246 West 44th Street (btw 7th and 8th Avenues) Manhattan. |