
Washington Square Park
Washington Square Park is one of the best-known of New York City's 1,900 public parks. At 9.75 acres (39,500 m2),
it is a landmark in the Manhattan neighbourhood of Greenwich Village, as well as a meeting place and centre for cultural activity.
It is operated by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. An open space with a tradition of nonconformity, the park's
fountain area has long been one of the city's popular spots for residents and tourists. Most of the buildings surrounding the park
now belong to New York University. Some of the buildings have been built by NYU, others have been converted from their former uses
into academic and residential buildings. The university rents the park for its graduation ceremonies, and uses the Arch as a symbol.
Although NYU considers the park to be the core of the school's campus, Washington Square remains a public park, which local residents
have protected as an essential part of the neighbourhood.
