New York Film Locations

The Only Living Girl in New York

24 March 2015

otsoNY recently caught up with the incredibly talented Alexandra Charitan, who has now been living in New York since July 2013 and is the architect behind the intriguingly entitled blog, ‘The Only Living Girl in New York’.

(Alexandra Charitan)

“The title is inspired by one of my favourite Simon & Garfunkel songs, The Only Living Boy in New York,” explained Alexandra. “I love the lyrics, ‘I've got nothing to do today but smile’ and that's mostly how I feel since I've moved to New York.”

Alexandra, who was originally from Ohio began blogging as a way to keep a record of her movements. “I blog mostly to keep track of the things that I've done, and to fill my family in on what I'm up to. I think of it as a travel journal or scrapbook. I do a lot and I never want to forget how I felt about a particular place or adventure, so I try to blog about them so I can look back.”

The blog is regularly updated and often includes very impressive photographs of New York City, which was part of the reason otsoNY made contact with her. “I've always loved taking photographs,” says Alexandra. “I've always been a visual person. I'm terrified that I'm going to forget things, so I like to have a visual record of the things I've done and places I've been. Last year I finally bought a decent camera… a Canon Rebel T3i. It's small and lightweight, which was really important to me since I knew I wouldn't want to take a heavy camera with me everywhere. I just recently bought a 35mm fixed lens which has been a lot of fun.”

Although Alexandra only shoots in digital colour, she still admits to a fondness for black and white. “I have considered getting back into film photography but I know myself,” she laughs, “and I know I'll easily become obsessed so I'm trying to wade slowly into the photography world.”

Apart from her love of cats, Alexandra now tries to make time to watch the odd New York-based film. “I especially like watching them now that I live here. It's fun to see places you go every day on the big screen.” Alexandra adds, “I also love visiting filming locations, no matter how cheesy the movie, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, Home Alone 2, the Godfather, Falling in Love, I base a lot of my adventures around a place I've seen in a movie or TV show and then explore from there.”

Brooklyn Heights, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Roosevelt Island and the Botanical Gardens are among her favourite areas of New York, and otsoNY is proud to showcase some of her work within this article.






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